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- ; $Id: wtext.pro,v 1.3 1997/01/15 04:29:15 ali Exp $
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) 1993-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
- ; This is the code to create simple text widgets. Text widgets
- ; come in two varieties: editable and non-editable. The VALUE of
- ; a text widget is equal to the text string displayed in the
- ; text widget.
- ; For an example of text widgets in 'action' see
- ; the procedure WORLDROT.PRO available from the 'Simple Widget
- ; Examples' widget by selecting 'World Rotation Tool'.
- PRO wtext_event, event
- ; This event handler for the example text widgets
- ; does not really do anything. It's just here to remind
- ; you that you generally need an event handler when
- ; you are programming widgets.
- ; For this example, we aren't doing anything with either
- ; of the text widgets.
- ; Text widgets can, however, have
- ; USER VALUES so you could use a CASE statement to execute some IDL
- ; commands if a text widget were manipulated. You could also use the
- ; GET_VALUE keyword to the WIDGET_CONTROL routine to return
- ; the text string currently present in a text widget.
- PRO wtext, GROUP = GROUP
- ; This procedure creates 2 text widgets.
- ; One is editable and the other is not.
- base = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE = 'Example Text Widgets', $ ;The title for the base.
- XSIZE = 500, $ ;Make the base really wide.
- /COLUMN) ;Organize subsequent
- ;widgets into columns.
- ; The next two commands create two text widgets.
- ; The first is editable, the second is not:
- text1 = WIDGET_TEXT(base, $ ;This widget belongs to 'base'.
- VALUE = 'This is an editable text widget. Go ahead and edit this text field.', $
- /EDITABLE, $ ;Make it editable.
- YSIZE = 1, $
- /FRAME) ;Put a frame around it.
- text2 = WIDGET_TEXT(base, $ ;This widget belongs to 'base'.
- VALUE = 'This text widget cannot be edited.', $
- YSIZE = 1, $
- /FRAME) ;Put a frame around it.
- ; Realize the widgets:
- ; Hand off to the XMANAGER: